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Feeling like the rug's been pulled out from under you? 


Security Blanket will help you find your feet, and feel a little more stable and secure, so you can navigate whatever challenges are facing you with more grace and aligned action. 


Security Blanket is designed to be taken consistenly for 3-4 weeks in order to reach its full potency. One bottle will last you approximately one month at full dosage. 


This Bach Flower Remedy should be taken in the following dosage: 4 drops under the tongue, 4 times a day. It's okay to take it on a full or empty stomach. It won't interfere with any other medications or supplements you may be currently taking. And there are no negative side effects to worry about, so you can rest assured that it is a perfectly safe and natural curative. 


Store in a cool dry place.


(Additional shipping fees may apply.)

Bach Flower Therapy - Security Blanket

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