This 2-hour Foundations of YOU experience includes three very powerful tools to help you understand yourself in a profoundly deep and intimate way. This information will help you to recognize why you are the way you are, how you tend to get in your own way, your greatest strengths and your potential challenges.
We will look at your Astrological natal chart, your Human Design bodygraph, and a bespoke tarot reading designed to help you gain a deeper insight into what is going on for you energetically in the moment.
These sessions will take place via Zoom call, phone call or in person.
You will need to be prepared to submit your birthdate, time and location for these readings. This info needs to be as exact as possible for accuracy of readings. If you do not know your exact birth time, we will not be able to look at your Human Design, bodygraph, but can still address your Astrological natal chart.
Please note: This does not include a full reading of either your astrology chart or your Human Design chart, but does provide a synthesis of the dominant themes and elements in both that contribute to who you are and how you're designed to be in the world.
Sessions must be booked within 4 months of purchase.
Foundations of YOU
Due to the nature of these services, there are no refunds available once purchased. Please be sure to purchase consciously and accordingly.