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Aquarius New Moon: Revelation + Adaptation

Aquarius New Moon

The New Moon is born again in Aquarius, the Fixed Air sign of the Water Bearer. She arrives here at 9° on Wednesday, 29 January, at 7:36a (EST). The Sabian Symbol for this lunation is A Person Who Had, For A Time, Become The Embodiment Of An Ideal, Is Made To Realize That As A Person, He Is Not This Ideal.  Whew! That’s quite a mouthful. It’s also quite a humbling realization. And, I would argue, one that our ‘civilization’ is desperately in need of grasping. 

New Moons are, of course, new beginnings. It’s a chance to wipe the slate clean in order to bring something better into the picture. In Aquarius, this new picture can be surprising, innovative, technological, or freakishly outlandish. Aquarius is a visionary sign. And like all things that are ‘before their time’ this energy can feel incomprehensible when it’s first introduced. It can take some time to be processed, refined, and, eventually, to be accepted by the masses. With this kind of visionary innovation also comes the requisite change needed to make space for the new. It requires a willingness to see beyond the established modes of being in order to allow for the unknown potential of something new to emerge. This can feel very jarring and even, sometimes, personally offending or disappointing. Just like the person in the Sabian Symbol had to learn that his current understanding of himself and his vision was not actually true. He needs to release this vision in order to be able to evolve beyond it into something more whole, aligned, and real.

Sun and Moon are conjunct Mercury and Pluto in Aquarius. This gives a transformative way of processing the changes that are coming down the pipeline. Don’t be afraid to talk or write about your experiences as they unfold. This can help give you greater insight and clarity into how these changes will potentially affect your life experience. 

There’s also a loose conjunction with Saturn (Aquarius’ traditional ruler) in Pisces, which activates the Piscean stellium. Be wary of tendencies to want to dissociate and escape during these periods of change. It can be very supportive to set some clear boundaries for yourself and to put some systems in place for when you’re feeling the current of emotional response tugging you toward your distraction actions. 

This Moon’s chart has Neptune as the sole dispositor, giving Neptune additional power here. Again, strong emotional and escapist tendencies are at play. Try to use your spiritual practices to keep you grounded and centered. Engage with nervous system regulation during this time. Find the rhythm and flow of your breath as it steadily carries you through the psycho-emotional flooding. 

Uranus (Aquarius’ modern ruler) is sitting at the apex of a Minor Triangle with Mars and the Piscean stellium. Again, confirming the focus on change. You must be willing to make pivots at this time. You must be willing to slow your roll (Mars Rx in Cancer) and strategically (Saturn) consider all the pieces on the playing board so you can use your emotional intelligence to your benefit. (Pisces)

Mars Rx is squaring Chiron (still in Aries), inviting some time to reflect on what it is that feels misaligned and wounded in your relationship with yourself and how you identify in the world. What needs tending and mending now? How can you stop reacting from a place of pain and fear and shame and instead, move forward with a greater sense of wholeness and clarity and forgiveness? Let that Cancerian energy work its magick through fallen Mars Rx in order to bring the changes you need to heal and reorient from a place of personal power and confidence. 

Aquarius New Moon

This feels like a quietly revelatory New Moon, to me. It feels more internal than external. Though, this can often depend on how you allow these energies into your life. Whatever you choose, I have great faith in the transformative and evolutionary power that this Moon’s seeds are planting in the collective garden. It’s through the changes of the individuals that the collective experience shifts and evolves. How will you manage your own evolution in service to the greater good? Will you rest on the laurels that you’ve been espousing for so long? Or will you give yourself the openness to realize that you actually aren’t those laurels? In fact, you may not even know who you are anymore, because you’ve spent so much time playing the role you were cast in, that you hadn’t noticed your show had been canceled years ago? Now’s the time to discover who you are without that old familiar costume. I, for one, look forward to seeing who emerges. 


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