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Aries Full Moon: Revelatory Promises

Tomorrow brings us the Full Aries Moon. It occurs at 7:26a EDT at 24° Aries. The Sabian Symbol for this lunation is A Double Promise Reveals Its Inner And Outer Meanings

There are undertones of contrast and complexity in this Sabian Symbol. The way I interpret it is as a reminder that with every promise there are multiple interpretations of how it might be expressed and fulfilled. There are questions of frequency at play; of inner drives vs. social responsibilities and conditioning; and even variations in perspective from person to person. It’s important to keep this in mind and allow for these complexities to reveal themselves with an open mind and heart rather than remaining rigid in fixed ideas that may be more limiting than liberating. 

This Full Moon chart is yet another in a series of very active charts. There is a lot of provocation from a Grand Cross featuring the Sun, the Moon, Mars, and Pluto. This is a Cardinal Grand Cross which calls for initiations and bold moves. Maybe whatever you’ve managed to manifest at this Full Moon is going to initiate you into a new version of yourself, or a new phase of your current experience? Maybe it will provide a catalyst to initiate a new project? In any case, initiatory action is on the menu. And it’s likely to be something powerful and transformative. 

There’s also a Grand Water Trine, so while emotions may run high, we will have the cosmic support to allow the full range of emotional expression to come through and be felt in full. 

Venus opposing Uranus creates some contrast between the desire to be seen as charming and pleasing (read: popular) and the drive to innovate and create change by pushing boundaries and stretching the status quo. 

Chiron is sidling up to The Moon creating a nice little link between our inner landscape and our chronic pain points. Prepare for a little cosmic  scab-picking under this Moon. But, remember we have that extra emotional support, so you’ll have the resources to successfully navigate any woundings that arise. 

A Yod to the Sun in Libra creates an emphasis on finding balance to support your vitality. It might feel physically and/or psycho-emotionally challenging to create/curate the balance necessary to restore yourself to your vital state homeostasis. Your task is to continue to make adjustments until you figure out your own unique way to make it happen.

For those of us living in the areas affected by Tropical Storm Helene, this desire for, and challenge around, finding balance feels especially relevant.

This brings me back to the Sabian Symbol of that revelatory double promise. Sometimes that double promise can show up as something violent and catastrophic on the surface. But as the chaos begins to settle a secondary layer of gifts often emerges from the destruction. It can be challenging to spot it, or even to accept it as such. This is what this Full Moon in Aries wants to remind us of. The pain (Chiron) that plays on our fears and brings our needs to the surface (Moon) can illuminate (Sun) the actions needed (Mars) to transform (Pluto) the tragedy into something beautiful. This is the Grand Cross in action. Let it guide you to your own powerful initiation.


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