Tomorrow morning brings the Autumnal Equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere). This is one of two days of balanced equilibrium that occur each year; the first occurring in Spring. These solar holidays are natural events that are measured by the relationship between day’s light and night’s darkness. They are pivotal points in the Wheel of the Year, acting as moments of perfect proportional harmony before tipping the world into accelerated darkness or lightness.
At this Autumnal Equinox, we are preparing to tip into darkness. The Equinox gives us one perfectly balanced moment in which to remember and honor the gifts that both light and dark can bring to the table, and how important it is to have them working in unison. Light and dark are binary poles. As such, it will never serve to have all of one to the exclusion of the other. They work best together, in contrast and relief, in order to impart their wisdom to the inhabitants of the Earth.
After the moment of perfect balance is passed, we will shift into the dark half of the year. This is the time from Autumnal Equinox to Vernal (Spring) Equinox when the hours of darkness exceed the hours of light in each 24-hour period.
In other words, the world gets darker, cooler, quieter. The specifics, of course, will vary depending on a multitude of factors, from geographic location in relation to the poles to density of population (rural vs. urban settings) to level of development. But these natural energetic shifts can be felt within us all, in our deep primal instinctive systems, if we can manage to pay attention through the crush and din of modern life.
Equinoxes are times to recalibrate. They are a rest stop along the highway of the seasonal see-saw between light and dark. It can be a long and sometimes draining journey, so it’s a good idea to take this pause—stretch a bit, utilize the facilities, refocus your mindset, and generally prepare for the next leg of the trip.
It can be helpful to take a personal inventory at an Equinox; checking to see where you might be out of balance, or noticing where you might be running low on resources to fuel this next bit of travel through the seasons. To keep with the road trip metaphor, it’s an excellent time to check your snacks, your games/diversions, your bladder, your fatigue levels, and your directional awareness. Moving into the darker part of the year can provide its own set of challenges, best to have some sense of where you’re trying to go before you begin.
Personally, I like to ask myself how I’m doing in the main areas of my life: physical health, energetic health, psycho-emotional health, sexual health, social health, professional health, spiritual health, and general enjoyment of life. Taking this inventory—even just twice a year at each Equinox—can help me to have a better perspective on how I’m doing at navigating my life. And in those areas where I may not be doing so well, I can initiate some changes to get myself to a more aligned and vibrant expression of being in the world.
As someone who can get a little too in my head I find this moment of balance and self-reflection to be immensely helpful at pulling me back into my whole being. It reminds me that I’m not just the navigator of the ship … I am the ship! There’s more to caring for myself than thinking and planning. Feelings are just as valuable as thoughts … sometimes moreso. This is my reminder to give them an equal seat at the table. (I think my metaphors are getting a little sloppy now … 😳)
If you, too, can get a little too in your head, I encourage you to use this Autumnal Equinox as an invitation to shift your perspective back into your whole being.
From an astrological perspective, this Equinox brings a Grand Trine between the Sun, Moon/Uranus, and Pluto. Initiating transformative shifts may come more easily then usual. And Neptune at the apex of a Kite reenforces that invitation to let your feelings show you what’s what at the moment.
Sun, Venus, and Pluto are all at anoretic degrees, so there may be a lot of energetic urgency tempting you to make rash decisions, but it would behoove you to remember that equilibrium is the major theme of the Equinox. Let temperance and patience be your guides!
Interestingly, the Sabian Symbol for the Sun at this Equinox is Having An Urgent Task To Complete, A Person Doesn’t Look To Any Distractions. (It’s amazing, to me, how these Sabian Symbols always align so beautifully!) One might say the urgent task here is to take this moment to reflect and recalibrate, thus fulfilling the promise of the Equinox.
T-Squares to Jupiter and Pluto are also pushing for transformation and a real [re]connection with your beliefs. Don’t be afraid to make changes to what you hold dear. Again, the Equinox is a time to reflect and pivot where necessary. Look at the big picture (Jupiter) and reflect deeply on what needs releasing/rebranding/reintegrating (Pluto).
This is a personal moment. Relationships may feel strained or less relevant than usual, thanks to a Yod to Venus. But this is just a moment. It’s a reminder that no one else can map your journey for you. You are the only one who has the codes to operate your vehicle. You can invite others along for the ride, but you must be the one to keep things in operational order. You must be the one to set the course on your navigational system. You must be one actually making the journey. So, give yourself this moment to set or correct your course as needed.
Here’s to finding balance, and preparing for the pivot into darkness! I don’t know about you, but I’m actually excited to see what might be unearthed in the coming dark.