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Last Quarter Moon in Libra: An Invitation To Get Weird

The Last Quarter Moon 🌗 phase comes to us in the harmonic sign of ♎Libra (1°) with the Sabian Symbol: The Light Of The Sixth Race Transmuted To The Seventh. This message feels like a much needed beacon of hope in these times of transition from one paradigm to the next. 

This Moon is tightly aspecting the nodal axis; conjunct the South Node. This lays a slightly nostalgic filter over this snapshot in time. You might be feeling more protective of your old comfort zone and resistant to moving into the higher expression of what’s possible. 

Moon in Libra

It’s also part of a T-Square to The Sun, encouraging you to let your intuitive gifts be put on display for everyone to witness. This is likely to help you advance your own mission in this life. 

A second T-Square to Saturn also stresses the importance of boundaries and discipline, particularly in the way you communicate your beliefs. You may feel yourself being triggered, but it’s a good idea to restrain your reactions to such triggers. When the trigger occurs, give yourself a moment of pause to let the initial reactionary feelings move through before responding in a more conscious and collected manner.

Moon in Libra

Libra, The Moon’s dispositor during this phase, is exploring Her freaky side in Aquarius. She’s in a Grand Air Trine with Black Moon Lilith and Jupiter adding an expansive and performative quality to the process. Basically, you’re being given full invitation to put your weird bits on display and to proudly march them through the village with the swagger of a queen or king. 

You’re likely to feel the desire to do so anyway with this Libra Moon trining Uranus in Taurus. 

Mars is still retrograde, and in an inconjunct with The Sun. This isn’t a time for big initiatory external action. But it can be a great time to let your inner urges drive you toward choices that are more in alignment with you are at the Soul level. 

This is not a time to bend yourself unceremoniously into the social mold you were given by Society. This is your time to kick the shit out of that mold and boldly return it to sender. You cannot be manipulated into being less than you are anymore! Rise up, darlings! Be YOU! And bugger ‘em if they can’t handle your unfiltered glory!

What a celebratory season to receive such an invitation, no? This is a wonderful way to take advantage of that light that’s being transmuted to the next race. As you make that transition from the old paradigm to the new, wouldn’t it be much more fun to do it while shining exactly as you were meant to shine in this life? I think so. And I look forward to seeing your brilliance as you light up the sky. xoxo 💋


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