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Dancing in the Dark: Shadowcraft + Why It’s Important

Shadowcraft is a big part of what I explore in my business with clients and in my personal life. It is one of the foundational transformative practices that has unequivocally shifted my life and the lives of my clients in profound and tangible ways.

What is Shadowcraft? This is a question I hear a lot. The simple answer is that it’s the conscious mining of the subconscious for anything that is sabotaging or impeding the progress and evolution of the Soul Self. There are many ways to initiate and engage with this work, and none of them are the definitive right way. This is an individual process and will vary from person to person. In many cases it can be a very uncomfortable experience—especially at the beginning—but it’s always worth it.

The scientific notion of neuroplasticity plays a dominant role in Shadowcraft. Neuroplasticity (also called neural plasticity) refers to the changeability and adaptability of the neural pathways in the human brain. It is basically a concept that illustrates the way in which the brain, or cerebral processing unit (the human body’s CPU), can be wired and rewired to operate on any given program(s) it's fed consistently enough. This is especially true of information received during our formative years. Most of us, from the time of our birth and on into adulthood, have been told that we don’t have the level of clearance required to write our own programs. Instead, we are trained to outsource our programming to other coders in the community. So, we end up operating from programs written by parents, teachers, clergy, advertising executives, authors, filmmakers, cultural leaders and so on and so forth. These people are only too happy to code for us, since they believe they are unable to code for themselves. (And coding comes naturally to us ... we want to do it.) Likewise, we take on the role of coder for others in our community. This is how we are taught to shift our focus away from ourselves and onto the others in our lives. We concern ourselves with pointing out the problems, weaknesses, shortcomings of those in our periphery since we were told we are incapable of doing this for ourselves.

It becomes an indulgent loop in which everyone assumes they know what is best for everyone else, and no one is taking the time to audit their own experiences. No one is asking, ‘Do my programs work for me? Do they feel aligned with my feelings?’

When we become more self-aware and give ourselves permission to choose our own beliefs and values, then we become our own coders writing the programs that best align with our Soul's purpose. We then become more authentic members of the community. We are more fulfilled by who we are and how we are presenting ourselves in the world, which allows us to stop worrying so much about the failures and successes of others.

Our Souls always know when we are in alignment with the mission statement we brought to this life or not. And our bodies, housing our Souls, send us messages to let us know when we’re in flow or when we are in conflict with ourselves. Learning to communicate with our bodies—and our Souls—is a vital piece of the process of Shadowcraft.

Anyone can reestablish the channel of communication with their body. It really only requires paying attention. Consistency makes a difference, too. Working with the Human Design system can also provide tools to help zone in on how each individual’s body is designed to communicate with them. The most obvious tool is the Authority as found in the HD chart.

Other important aspects of Shadowcraft involve clarity and desire.

If we are looking to make changes in life, we can only ensure success through clarity. We need to have a clear and honest grasp on what the current state of things is. And we need to have a specific knowledge of what we want it to be instead. Then, and only then, can we begin to take the necessary actions to get us from point A to point B.

It is also absolutely imperative to have the desire for change. Shadowcraft is about exploring the deep dark places within ourselves, the places where we hide things that are uncomfortable, at best. It requires critically questioning everything we have ever learned or thought to be true about ourselves, and, in the process, discovering that at least some of these foundational belief are lies. They were imprinted or planted in our subconscious by forces outside of ourselves. These discoveries can shake our very experience of reality, our sense of identity. In order to continue unraveling these interior tangles and emerge free and untethered from the pain and confusion of those former conditioned beliefs, we have to really WANT to change. There is no sense embarking upon this work if you are not fully sure you really want to transform yourself. Stepping into the fire of the forge is not for the faint of heart. It requires incredible courage, resilience and fortitude. But those who are ready, and who stick with it as it heats up, will emerge a much more brilliant and capable version of themselves.

This is why Shadowcraft is so important. It is a powerful practice that allows us to be the primary instigators and agents of our own evolution and ascension. This is why I practice Shadowcraft. It allows me to consciously participate in my own personal growth and development, moving me forward into the highest and most beautiful version of myself, so that I may be more present in the world and for the world.

Your reasons for delving into Shadowcraft may be similar to mine, or may be wholly your own. What is important is that you are choosing to step into the fire with the trust that you will emerge the better for it.

While it is entirely possible to embark upon this work on your own, it is infinitely easier to have someone guide and support you, especially at the beginning of the journey. I would be honored to be that guide for you. If that’s something you’d like to explore further, please reach out to book an Unblock Your Bliss call so we can talk about what that might look like for you.

The more time you spend in the Shadows, the less scary it is. With practice, you may find that you love dancing in the dark as much as I do.


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