Greetings, friends and Luna lovers. The First Quarter Moon graces us with Her presence today, 10.10, at 2:55p (EDT), at 17° Capricorn. The Sabian Symbol for this lunation is The Union Jack Flies From A New British Warship. We are ready to embark on this new journey with a newly appointment member of our fleet. Seems like a symbol of hope to me, and I’ll take it!

The First Quarter spurs us to action. It urges us to say YES! It’s here to be a cheerleader lighting us up; motivating us to get busy making our intentions into manifestations. In Capricorn, we get an added boost of motivation, ambition, and determination.
The Sun is still conjunct Mercury in Libra lending us the magick of charming communications. Diplomacy is the name of the game. You can likely talk your way—at least halfway—to your manifestations.
This is a very active chart! The Sun and Moon are making a Grand Cross with Chiron and Mars. Your wounds might be poked, but this is what will spur you to new action. You might think of this as the wind in the sails of that new warship. Mars is ready for battle! Emotions are driving your actions, and this all to get you closer to your authenticity, your essential mission.

Yods to Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus create even more friction, but really put us in touch with our beliefs, the way we express them and the way we care for ourselves in the process.
Jupiter went retrograde in Gemini yesterday, and Pluto goes direct in Capricorn tomorrow. Time to get reflective on what beliefs are driving you. And this is the final burst of that Pluto in Capricorn energy for a good, long while. You may feel a sense of urgency toward tradition, power dynamics, systems and structures. Secrets may come to light as regards those in power. Patriarchal figures may start baring their teeth in ever more feral attempts to maintain the crumbling status quo. Gird your loins.
Saturn squaring Jupiter just exacerbates that push and pull between the old and the unknown new.
Thankfully, the Grand Water Trine gives us an extra boost of emotional support. Just when we need it!
It’s a busy time, to be sure. But one that has the potential to catalyze us closer to a more authentic and fulfilling state of things.