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First Quarter Moon in Taurus: The Dangers of Binary Thinking

Moon in Taurus

The Moon reaches Her first quarter phase tomorrow morning at 3:02a (EST) at 16° Taurus. This Fixed Earth energy brings some much needed emotional stability at a time when the world around you might be feeling a little unstable. 

The Sabian Symbol for this lunation is A Symbolic Battle Between ‘Swords’—The Disciples of Might, And ‘Torches’—The Disciples of Enlightenment’. This symbolic battle seems well-fitting to the state of the world, and, particularly, to the socio-political landscape of the United States at the moment. The way I see it, this is not about who emerges victorious … at least not in the present moment … but is more about the actual clashing of factions. This represents just how much our society has given into the polarization of the binary way of thinking. This vs. That. Us vs. Them. Black vs. White. Left vs. Right. It’s a symbolic battle.

Moon in Taurus

Therefore, this lunation is offering us a chance to get a clearer idea of what the current unrest and polar division could lead to should things continue in the divisive trajectory they’re on. It’s an opportunity to gain some practical insight to the conflict so that we might generate some potential solutions. Whether those solutions involve strategies for each individual faction to ensure its victory; encouraging the war in the hopes of destroying both factions, clearing the field, and building something new; or some other unknown approach is yet to be determined. But with Moon in Taurus, you are asked to be practical in your determination. Let your response be instructed by your values. Let your response be informed by your emotional intelligence. But be cautious about allowing emotional insecurity, fear, and over-zealous reactions to force your hand. 

The first quarter phase is the midway point of the Moon’s waxing energy. She is accelerating; building momentum. It’s a time to take action, to accept invitations, to respond to opportunities presented. 

The Moon is conjunct Uranus in Taurus, bringing a potential change in emotional perspective or inner drive. Be open to any shift that presents without over-thinking it. Trust your intuitive wisdom to guide you well.

With Mercury conjunct the Sun in Aquarius sharing that Square aspect with the Moon, you may feel the impetus to speak up and be heard. It can be tempting to use your voice to shout about injustices from the “other side” of the battlefield. But this Moon is encouraging you to instead speak up in a way that is more likely to create true change and collaboration rather than furthering the expanse of division between the two poles. 

The Moon and Uranus are the apex of a Minor Triangle featuring Mars and Saturn in a supportive Trine. You would do well at this time to create strategic systems for taking action. Systems that are borne of your desire to create positive and collaborative change in the world. Sensitivity is needed. Conscientiousness is paramount in order to contribute to something that is truly beneficial for the collective. (As the current ping-pong between one angry mob and the other isn’t working.)

Venus, ruler of Taurus, has just entered Aries, and is ready to actively spread a little [much-needed] beauty, equality, and love. She’s in a strong opposition with Black Moon Lilith [who just entered Libra]. This is yet another signature of the polar desires to rage against the machine and to want to soothe tensions with loving kindness, a focus on the beauty that exists in the world, and a gentle return to balance (which is arguably more pleasant than division). This aspect can help us tune into both sides of this feminine energy to see how to bridge the gap between them. The goal is not to have one win out over the other. There is no “good” side and “bad” side here. They are both vital and necessary expressions of a whole, and your homework is to find new ways to blend the benefits of each in order to create a balance of primal power and subtle sensuality. This is like taking one part Xena, Warrior Princess and one part Stepford Wife and from them creating a new breed of woman who contains the best of both. This gives us the opportunity to do on a personal (internal) level what needs to be done on the collective (socio-political) level. 

All of this happens in the very recent wake of Jupiter’s stationing direct, which brings luck, optimism, and hope for the future. The Universe is inviting us to start brainstorming a new vision. To learn a new way to engage with our fellow citizens of Earth. To seek out new solutions by taking a broader perspective of the playing field. 

Will you accept this invitation? Will you participate in looking for and trying new ways to solve these old conflicts? Will you be a part of the cavalry coming to negotiate a successful cease-fire with innovative and transformative solutions that will support the dissolution of the two opposing tribes in order to create a more collaborative and united whole? Or will you be yet another troglodyte banging bones against the bodies of his enemy? 

The choice is yours. And it will determine the future of human society as we know it. Choose wisely. 


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