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Last Quarter Moon in Leo: Deep. Emotional. Transformative.

The Moon has reached Her Last Quarter phase of this Libra New Moon cycle. The cycle began with that Libra New Moon eclipse, and now the debris scattered by that eclipse is finally settling. We can see what’s still left standing and what’s ready to discard. 

This Last Quarter Moon came into being early this morning at 4:03a EDT at 1° Leo. The Sabian Symbol for this lunation is An Epidemic Of Mumps. In any epidemic—as in many an eclipse season—there is fear, confusion, emotional chaos, and a period of waiting required to make sense of it all. This Last Quarter Moon phase is an invitation to start taking inventory of WTF just happened [during that recent eclipse window], and what needs to be done about it, if anything.

Last Quarter Moon in Leo

This is, after all, what Last Quarter Moon phases are all about. They are times to disseminate the pearls of knowledge gathered during the preceding phases of the cycle, and to scatter and release any stubborn bits of flotsam and jetsam that are ready to be jettisoned from your life. 

In Leo, this can feel like a bit of a show. For some it can be helpful to have witnesses to help make the process more real and/or potent. For others it can feel a bit like a powder keg of pressure to hold you accountable to actually doing what needs to be done. (And to properly discern just what that is.) But Leo is a generous and brave sign. It can be incredibly supportive of those who are courageous enough to show up for the challenging task. 

This Moon is conjunct Mars in Cancer. Mars, in His fall in Cancer, is feeling a little ‘differently abled’ in His expression at the moment. He is feeling softer and gooier on the inside than usual. This doesn’t necessarily make Him less effective, but it can slow Him down a bit;  making Him a bit more cautious, a bit less impulsive. Still, His presence has us using our inner psychological drives, our needs and desires,  to provide the motivation for our actions. 

This Moon/Mars pairing opposes Pluto—still lingering at that urgency-inducing anoretic degree of Capricorn—and forming a T-Square to the Scorpio Sun. Get ready to release some secrets, darlings! That which has been hiding deep within your psyche is being called forward with an invitation to transform you and realign you toward a more mature and powerful version of yourself. But proceed cautiously and tenderly so as not to freak out your nervous system. Slow and steady wins the race. 

Chiron in the mix is telling you this might be a painful process, but it will bring you wisdom and healing. 

A Yod to Mercury in Scorpio will be a focal point in helping you navigate this process, but it might not feel easy or fun. Find creative ways to express your deep needs, feelings, fears. Naming them makes them more accessible and integrable. Be gentle with yourself. Acknowledge your pain points and let them inform the process. Then make adjustments where you can. This is not a time for forcing anything. Mars in Cancer, remember? Take a softer, more nurturing approach. This is the way through this process. 

Venus squaring Saturn reminds you to set and/or enforce boundaries in your relationships. These times of upheaval can be potentially very divisive and isolating (just as epidemics and eclipses). It’s important to have healthy boundaries in place in your relationships if you want to maintain them as you undergo this intense transformative period. But also be mindful of and compassion toward your relations, as well. Limit your tendencies to spread gossip or to tell the secrets of others. At its core, this behavior is really just an attempt to deflect from your own painful process by profiting from the pain of others. No one wins that game. 

This Last Quarter Moon phase has a sole dispositor of Neptune. This means that all the archetypes and energies active at this time are rooted in the realm of the emotions. You are probably gonna feel some big feelings under this Moon. There will likely be a strong inclination to turn to those distraction actions that help you to numb out when things get intense. Know that this is a temptation, and do what you can to resist it. Trust in your intuitive wisdom to guide you when the going gets dark. 

We are continuing through some emotionally charged times, but we are intrepid, my friends. We can do this. We are not alone, even when we feel like we are. To use a slightly treacly and worn out adage, We are all in this together. And we will all emerge at exactly the right place and in exactly the right time. Happy excavating! xoxo 💋


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