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Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio: [Re]Building Together

Moon in Scorpio

The Last Quarter Moon arrives at 2° Scorpio today at 3:31p (EST). It brings some welcome communal support and collaboration in the wake of the volatile Sun-Pluto cazimi in Aquarius. 

Moon in Scorpio

The Sabian Symbol for this lunation is Neighbors Help In A

House-Raising Party In A Small Village. It feels like a good omen to envision this symbolic coming together of the community to help rebuild safety, security, and belonging. For, where else can we fully be ourselves than in our homes? And to have the whole community come together to help create this sanctuary of self as a strong and supported part of the whole, feels very promising, indeed. 

With the Moon in Scorpio, intense feelings are often on the menu. There’s an emotional depth that’s not always accessible (or desirable) that sings its siren call. You can find power in emotional expression. You can be transformed by the Mysteries of life and love under a Scorpio Moon. You can also engage with your Shadow with a little less effort at this time. 

In Her Last Quarter phase, La Luna asks us to reflect on what we manifested at the ripening of Her Fullness. Did things turn out as hoped or expected? What worked? What didn’t? How do you feel about it all?

The Moon is inconjuct the North Node creating a bit of a blurry vision where your evolution is concerned. You may not be able to see the path to get you where you want to go, but if you trust that it’s there, that can be enough. Nestle into your deep desires and daydreams (and your night dreams!) and enjoy those little fantasies. It’s here that you get to practice experiencing life in an unrestricted, fully supported and abundant way. Let the rich vividness of these images spark every synapse in your neural system, creating new visions, stories, and beliefs. Over time, the path forward will emerge with greater clarity, and it may even be paved with diamonds. 

Moon is also the apex of a T-Square with Sun-Pluto and Mars, suggesting giving into your daydreams and inner landscapes may just be the ticket to navigating this moment of stagnation and anticipation. Is this the quiet before a storm? Or could it be the mean and blood-thirsty maw of the collective has found some temporary succor?

The T-Square is actually a Grand Cross with Chiron at the fourth point. There may be some painful moments during this transition. And, as those of us from the US are aware, we are officially in transition politically with the presidential inauguration only one day past. And since, historically, US politics has such a global influence, this Chiron expression may be felt in all the corners of the world in varying degrees. 

Sun and Pluto are still doing their dirty dancing over in Aquarius, adding to the tension. And there’s still a little pileup of a stellium in Pisces working its magick. (See yesterday’s post for more on these signatures.)

All in all, this is a pretty active time for this reflective lunation. I see it as a cosmic prompt to dive deep into what feels most secure and foundationally important for you. I also see it as a moment to allow your emotions to spur you to rise up and engage with your community in a way that is supportive and inclusive, building others up rather than tearing them down. This is how to find true power; to harness the real magick of Pluto in Aquarius. Dig deep to find the power to recognize and celebrate the different gifts that we each bring to the collective table. Each unique gift is necessary for the success of the whole. I look forward to rebuilding with you, friends!


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