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New Moon in Capricorn: Good Omens

We are blessed with the final New Moon of this calendar year tonight at 5:27p (EST). This is the Capricorn New Moon. It occurs at 9° of the Cardinal Earth sign ushering in a cycle of pragmatism, discipline, and, my word for the new year, ambition. 

New Moon in Capricorn

New Moon in Capricorn: An Albatross Feeding From The Hand Of A Sailor

The Sabian Symbol for this lunation is An Albatross Feeding From The Hand Of A Sailor. To me, this is an auspicious omen of smooth sailing ahead. After all, it was the shooting of the albatross by the sailor in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner that foreshadowed so much dreadful luck at sea. By lovingly collaborating with the bird, the sailor is actively hedging their bets in favor of a supportive outcome. 

New Moons are akin to setting sail upon a new journey. Each Moon cycle holds its own adventures and experiences to navigate. This is the phase of newness. We associate this time with dawn, with planting seeds, with stretching fresh canvas. It’s a moment of untapped potential. What will you do with your moment?

Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac. As a Cardinal sign, it is initiatory energy. As an Earth sign, it’s very practical and grounded. Capricorn is a Feminine sign, which can sometimes feel at odds with the patriarchal planet that rules it (Saturn). However, I like to think of this as a similar feminine energy to that of Vesta, which is devotional and steadfast in its support. Once Capricorn deems something important enough to initiate it into manifest reality, it remains devoted to the process. As mentioned, Saturn rules Capricorn. As such there are themes of maturity, discipline, tradition, and accomplishment attached to it. It’s also the sign of limitations and boundaries; showing you where you are playing too small and where you need to tighten up your perimeters. 

Capricorn often gets a bad rap for being too regimented and too willing to step on anyone in its way as it ambles to the top. But this is simply the lower expression of this sign. In its higher register, it can be beautifully productive and efficient and resourceful, leaving a legacy of success and richness in its wake. 

There’s a T-Square to Saturn at this New Moon. This creates a strong active push toward setting boundaries, building foundations, and creating goals. This is your path to bringing big dreams into reality. You must have a strategic plan to make it happen. WIth the Sun + Moon squaring the nodal axis, moving through this cycle is likely to move you forward a few steps on the evolutionary ladder. Take a moment to reflect on who you’ve been and who you want to become.

The Sun + Moon are in a sextile with Saturn. Sextiles are cooperative aspects. At this New Moon expect healthy boundaries and foundational support from traditional sources. And with Mars opposite Pluto, you’re being prompted to answer these questions: How can you transform the way you make things happen? How can you harness your power in new ways in order to gain the recognition you are seeking? Taking some time to reflect on these questions and to summon thoughtful answers should provide some much-needed clarity and guidance as you craft your strategies for the cycle (and for the coming year). 

With the Sun + Moon in an inconjunct aspect with Jupiter, it might be difficult to maintain an optimistic attitude, or to even see the possibility for abundance. Inconjuncts are confounding and challenging. They are difficult to reconcile and usually require some sacrifice or compromise of some sort. 

And then there’s Lilith … She’s in an opposition with Chiron and an inconjunction with Uranus. She’s feeling a little riled up. She could even become so triggered that she can’t even consider any new solutions to the old problems facing her. This can make Her just incensed enough to rage against that old machine. Gird your loins. Your inner rebel is likely to feel goaded into righteous indignation ... and possibly into creating a scene (or three). But take care to listen to what Lilith’s rage is teaching you. Where are you being asked to make yourself less brilliant so that someone else’s shine doesn’t feel threatened? Where are you being asked to compromise your authenticity, your truth, in support of someone else’s agenda? What are you willing to do about it?

A Yod to Neptune suggests that perhaps the best way to move through Lilith’s rage and to harness Capricorn’s magick is to actively seek out new strategies, ideas, and possibilities for your dreams. (Though it may be a slog.)

But that Capricorn fortitude and perseverance can boost you as you ride those choppy waters. Capricorn’s represented by a Sea Goat, after all. It can climb to the highest heights under the most treacherous conditions, while also smoothly navigating the emotional depths that flow alongside such a journey. 

This Moon cycle you’re invited to get strategic about where you are, where you want to go, and how you plan to get there. When you feel triggered, let yourself express your rage, but still at least try to look for new solutions to those old problems. This is a time for planning, creating systems, and letting your ambitions guide you to success. There’s light up ahead, even if it feels totally dark in the moment. 

Remember the albatross; the omen of a smooth and supported journey. What you desire is yours for the taking, as long as you are serious enough to plan for your success. Look for the good omens and let them guide you to the finish line. xoxo


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