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Omen Days (or how my year might unfold month by month according to the tarot)

You may recall that every year I observe the Twelve Days of Christmas, also called the Omen Days, or Days Out Of Time. These are the intercalary days beginning on 26 December that act as ‘extra days’ to square the natural lunar calendar with our modern Gregorian solar calendar. These are days that have, historically, been used to divine intelligence about what can be expected in the coming calendar year. Each day represents a month in the unfolding year. December 26 gives insights into January, the 27th tells about February, and so on and so forth. I’m sharing the tarot cards I drew for each of the Omen Days of 2024/5 to give an idea of what this practice can look like, as well as to act as a record for me to return to at the end of each month to see how the energies played out. Here we go …

Omen Days Tarot


Tarot The Emperor

In January, it seems I’ll be continuing the work I began at the closing of 2024. This is the work of trying to corral all the aspects of my life (my sovereign nation) and bring them under my conscious control. I am in the process of stepping into my power of being the sovereign [active] force in my life and my affairs and am no longer going to play the victim or the passive onlooker. This is a time for strategy and planning and learning what I need to know in order to make my dreams manifest in reality.


Tarot 4 Pentacles

This is a time for both setting healthy boundaries, and for recognizing where I might have built boundaries (walls) that have only served to separate me from the world and all its splendid opportunities. I have been in a sort-of self-imposed prison for a while now, and it’s becoming more and more clear. This is when I start to get really practical about implementing those plans and strategies initiated by The Emperor. (4 = Emperor energy; Pentacles = Mundane reality/practicality) It’s a time of growth and grace and blossoming into a more powerful and influential and financially comfortable woman.


Tarot The Hanged Man

March foretells of a time in which new perspectives and ideas are opening up to me, and, thus, opening up the world to me. It’s time for allowing the seeds I’ve planted to do their germinating while I focus on continuing to reprogram my mental outlook (neural pathways and patterns) so that I can be ready and able to receive the bounty of fruit when those seeds come to maturity.


Tarot Ace Swords

I’m starting a new phase of self/identity. (Ace = newness/untapped potential; Swords = identity) I am leveling up, so to speak. This is an opportunity to express a part of myself that has been yearning to be seen and engaged and let out to play. It’s up to me to be brave enough to let her out. No more keeping her locked away. No more censoring her because of old conditioned beliefs that tell me she’s not capable. I am reprogramming those old stories and replacing them with new supportive scripts. This is when they really start to open up and explore the expression of being.


Tarot Page Swords

This is a month of learning; of experimenting; of figuring out how to be this new version of myself. It’s a time to pay attention to the wisdom of those who have gone before me, but also to pay attention to how this new ‘costume’ feels when I wear it. What needs to be adjusted? What can be shed and what can be added to make it fit just right? It’s a time to keep studying and learning all I can about the tools I need to support me during this new becoming. I need to explore any ideas that arise and send them out on the wind to see what takes root and what doesn’t. (Page = student; Swords = identity)


Tarot 8 Wands

This continues the month of experimentation and learning, but takes it a bit further by really grabbing hold of a few dominant ideas and riding them out to see how they can strengthen me along this new path. If they lift me up and carry me forward, they will be added to the arsenal. If they don’t, they’ll be released and replaced. (Can’t hold on too tightly!) Time to allow myself to be lifted up by the abundance of information and inspiration surrounding me in this moment. 


Tarot King Pentacles

July hints at being a period of material abundance and confidence in having built something that is fruitful and beautiful and fulfilling. I could very well truly experience the joy and comfort and security that comes from creating something of substance; of finally becoming the sovereign that I set out to be in January (and earlier). This is a time of bearing fruit, and it is sweet.


Tarot Queen Swords

I have achieved my goals, and am on top of the world. I am continuing to look forward even while I enjoy the fruits of my labor. I am learning how to tend what I have and nurture its growth without having to sacrifice planning and strategizing for more progress and success. The Universe is constantly bringing me messages in the form of ideas and inspiration that are meant to guide me to what it is I’m seeking and what is aligned for me. I am a co-creator with the Universe. 

September: ACE SWORDS (Again!)

Tarot Ace Swords

I have successfully completed one cycle of this developmental stage. Now is time for the second round. I must continue to come back to the neural reprogramming work. I must continue to unlock the parts of myself that have begrudgingly lain hidden for so long due to false messaging that those parts were not acceptable, lovable, valuable or worthy of being seen/expressed. That key must unlock many hidden doors in my psyche, and I must never get complacent about my duty to continue unlocking them.

October: THE STAR

Tarot The Star

This month could bring a moment of darkness. But with it will be a beacon of hope and a sliver of light just bright enough to guide me through the chaos without succumbing to the madness that is always possible in the deepest darkness. This is an opportunity to test my “trust muscle”; to keep front of mind that when tests arise, they are only meant to show me how much I’ve grown and/or what I have yet to master. This will make me stronger and brighter no matter whether I pass the test or not. It’s not about the outcome. It’s about how I move through the experience, and how open I am to the gifts being offered. 

November: NINE WANDS

Tarot 9 Wands

I’ve made it through the prickly bits, and I survived. I may have a few scars, but they are a part of me and they make me stronger and more beautiful for having sustained them. I have reached a point where I am no longer threatened by this particular danger. I have conquered it satisfactorily, and now I can simply enjoy the beauty of its flowers. I have completed a lesson. And I can celebrate by allowing myself to rest and enjoy the sweet scent of victory.

December: EIGHT CUPS

Tarot 8 Cups

I am due to end the year with a renewed sense of emotional resilience, strength, balance and security. I am more poised to enjoy the beauty of the world and the gifts on offer at every turn. I have the strength of my intuitive gifts to guide me, and now I’m not so likely to allow my unprocessed emotional reactions to derail me, because I’ve actually engaged those shadows and transformed them into allies. It feels like a safe and healthy and content place to be. 


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