On 21 January, 2025, the Sun sidles up in a cazimi conjunction with Pluto in Aquarius. It happens at 7:28a EST at 1° Aquarius. The Sabian Symbol for this event is An Unexpected Thunderstorm.

I would wager that most people—at least most Americans—would immediately focus on the destructive and disruptive aspect of this imagery. And, yes, that’s a part of it. But thunderstorms can also be highly cleansing events. They bring water. (And anyone with ties to LA and the surrounding areas can attest to the magical power of water right now.) They also help to clear away the weakened elements of an environment, such as diseased trees, limbs and other debris. Thunderstorms can clear the way for a new dawn that feels quieter, cleaner, and more fertile for what’s next. And since Aquarius has the tendency of keeping one on their toes, I will choose to focus on the promise that follows the unexpected chaos.
Aquarius is a sign that brings a lot of newness. It’s an innovator, a progressor, and evolver. Ultimately, it brings change. It can be experienced as collective change that affects the individual, or individual change that affects the collective, but it always brings change. As a Fixed Air sign, Aquarius has been educated at the highest levels and has committed to a set of thoughts and beliefs. It doesn’t consider changing them very lightly. Aquarius has seen the bigger picture that Sagittarius offers, and wants to find solutions for the bits that aren’t working so well for the masses. It’s fixer energy, really. And just like anything, it has a spectrum of expression from the highs of solving gross social injustices to the lows of trying to strong arm everyone into sharing its beliefs as the only right path forward.
The Sun shines a spotlight on whatever happens to be nearby, which means that Pluto’s themes will be highlighted now. Pluto is all about power and transformation and the Shadow that resides in all of us. It’s deep and intense and sometimes obsessive. The high expression of Pluto can be very magickal and transformative, helping one to recognize, engage with, and process the Shadow Self into a more powerfully whole and integrated version of Self. The lower expression can be intensely power-hungry and obsessively bent on domination over others; allowing the Shadow aspects of the self to take center stage unchecked.
A recipe for an unexpected thunderstorm, indeed.
The Moon, at this time, is also conjunct Black Moon Lilith, potentially lacing our inner intentions and desires with a very righteous sense of rebellion and anger. Lilith can be very persuasive as she recounts the indignities placed upon her by the hubris of the patriarchal powers that be. (And many would say she has a fair argument.) This fiery-tongued counsel speaking to our innermost feelings has the potential to create some very subversive results.
Add to the mix, there’s a stellium sitting over in nebulous Pisces (Saturn-traditional ruler of Aquarius, Venus, Neptune, and North Node), and there’s an increased energy to disassociate and escape into numbing agents that give one a false bravado in the haze of so many BIG feelings. It’s like the meek accountant who is conscientious and responsible during the day going to the bar after work and slamming a few shots. Suddenly, he’s just itching for a fight with anyone who says anything even remotely offensive to his docile inner sensitivities.
Uranus, modern ruler of Aquarius, is retrograde in Taurus, bringing some practical opportunities for reflection and review in the midst of these changes. It might feel a little like the slow-down provided by a pile-up of crashed cars, but, again, this slow down can force you to look at what is good in your own life and remind you that your own actions—even the most seemingly banal—can have consequences that can bring the world outside you to a screeching halt. These kinds of moments might not feel so great as they happen, but they often initiate a period of increased mindfulness and gratitude and connection.
So, this Sun-Pluto cazimi in Aquarius could create a bit of a powder keg moment. And with it happening on the heels of the US Presidential election, this energy could be setting the stage for what’s to come. But no matter how volatile things might get; no matter how intensely power-hungry or obsessive or idealistic; no matter how riled the individuals or the masses get; the chaos of the thunderstorm always clears the way for new growth.