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Hello friends! Whew! There’s been a lot happening over here in my little corner of the world!

In case you haven’t noticed, The site is undergoing a redesign. This is just one phase of the changes afoot, though. I’m planning to transition away from the brand name of Experiments In Bliss and to begin using my own name as my business moniker a little later this year.

I’m also currently transitioning the bodywork part of my business into a private practice here in Asheville, which is super exciting for me! This new practice will allow me to offer more of the Structural Bodywork and Energetic Bodywork services that I’ve honed over the last two decades of practicing this beautiful healing art. I hope it will allow me to reach more people and to work in more individualized ways with my clients, which is really how I prefer to work.

I’ve also got some NEW OFFERINGS in the works.

The one I’m most excited about is the first one to be rolled out with the transition to my new private practice in May. I’ll be offering Bach Flower Essence consultations and remedies! This powerful healing system was developed by Dr. Edward Bach, a British physician and homeopath in the 1920s and 1930s. These remedies treat the psycho-emotional dysfunctions of a person, which are considered by many to be the true source of all our physical ailments and dis-ease. It is also a wonderful way to address and support mental health [as well as physical health]. There are no adverse effects of these remedies, so anyone of any age or health status can take them. They can also be taken alongside any allopathic or pharmaceutical protocol with no fear of interference or harmful side effect. It’s a practically perfect system. I encourage you to check it out on your own, and if you’re feeling curious, consider giving them a try by booking a consultation HERE.

A little later this year, I’m planning to start offering holistic esthetic services in my practice here in Asheville, as well. This will include skincare treatments for face and body with an inside-to-outside whole person philosophy. All products will be completely safe and effective with no harmful synthetic chemicals. This is natural holistic skincare at its finest, and I'm so excited to start offering these services again after hiatus.

There are a few other things in process right now, and I’ll reveal those as they are closer to being implemented. Stay tuned!

I hope these changes will be positive ones for you, as they are for me. It is always my intention to be of the best service to you that I can be. I feel fortunate to be able to share my gifts, talents and skills with so many of you. It’s my hope that these changes will provide increased access for those of you who are ready to be guided toward a more healthy, happy and aligned life.

Feel free to email me with any questions and/or suggestions you have. I love hearing from you.

Looking forward to seeing more of you! xoxo


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