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Workshops + Classes

Check out these upcoming Workshops + Classes 

Tarot Workshop
24 February, 2024 / 1-4p
Location: TBA

In this workshop you will learn the basics of how to work with tarot cards for personal development and divination. We will cover Major/Minor Arcana, The Fool’s Journey, Celtic Cross spread, making your own bespoke spread, numerology associations, suits associations, and personal questions from participants. Several different tarot decks will be provided for learning and practicing. 


This workshop will be held in Asheville, NC. The exact location will be sent to registrants before the workshop. Space is limited to allow for an intimate hands-on experience. Register HERE.

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Human Design Basics
Date + Time: TBA
Location: TBA

Are you interested in learning about how you are designed to live you life? Looking to understand some of the practical information revealed in your Human Design bodygraph? In this workshop we will cover the Aura Types, Strategy/Authority, Profile, Environment, and more as time permits.  Each participant will have a chance to explore their chart for a deeper understanding of their own special design while learning some tips for how to apply this information in daily life. 


Participants will need to provide their birthdate, birth time (to the minute!) and location in order to generate a Human Design bodygraph. Space is limited due to the interactive nature of this workshop. 

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Living A Highly Sensitive Life: An HSP Workshop
Date + Time: TBA

Location: TBA

Have you ever felt like you don't fit the mold of what is expected? Ever hear people telling you you're too sensitive? Too slow? Too conscientious? You may just be an HSP: Highly Sensitive Person. This workshop will help you better understand what it means to be an HSP and how you can find grace, acceptance and even joy in being different. We will cover what an HSP actually is, the varying degrees of sensitivity, how to embrace your superpowers, the role of the HSP in the world/society, and how to find support when you need it.


Space is very limited. HSPs need to feel safe in their environs, and too many people can be overwhelming. This will be a secure, calm,  sacred, respectful space to explore. 

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