The Moon has reached Her pinnacle. She entered Her Full Moon phase at 27° Aquarius today at 2:25p (EDT). The Sabian Symbol for this lunation is: A Tree Felled And Sawed To Ensure A Supply Of Wood For The Winter.

This Sabian Symbol indicates preparation and an eye to the future. There may be some destruction, but it is not done thoughtlessly. This is a sacrifice in the present moment for the benefit of future circumstances. Be mindful of this perspective as you are basking in the glow of your manifestations this Full Moon.
A Full Moon is always a time of completion for the active (waxing) half of the lunar cycle. Seeds are sown at the New Moon, Actions are taken to foster the growth and productivity of those seeds into viable fruits. The fruits are then examined and enjoyed under the Full Moon.
A Full Moon in Aquarius carries with it its own special lens through which to take that inventory. Aquarius is innovative. It shows us where genius and inventiveness exist. It’s also concerned with the collective. Aquarius wants the whole community to thrive, not just the individuals living in it. It celebrates diversity, too, so don’t be afraid if what you’ve managed to manifest is unusual or unconventional. These things are likely to help move the whole community forward toward something even better than the current status quo.
There’s quite a bit of cosmic activity happening at this lunation!

The Moon is in an exact square with Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius, so there’s some reciprocity there. Forces are at work to nudge you to find new and innovative ways to meet your foundational needs. You may find that what you manifested is not what you expected. It may, however, prove to be something that will serve you (and those around you) better at a future date.
Pivots may be needed, as all this Uranian/Aquarian energy can present in shocks and surprises. Keep your wits about you and stay limber so you can pounce when necessary.
The Sun is in a tight conjunction with Mercury in Leo. You’ve got something to say and you want to say it loud and proud! The stage (or soap box) is yours for the taking. Just be sure to check in with your inner Self to make sure your mouth doesn’t write checks your constitution can’t cash. Speaking out now based on what you can see beneath this Full Moon’s light might not be the whole story. There could be some serious glares from both the Full Moon and the Sun shining so brightly. You’d be wise not to make blind accusations or revelations until you’ve had a moment to gain some calm and clarity.
Jupiter and Mars are getting very chummy in a close conjunction. You might feel impulsively driven to take some big action. In Gemini, this could be social or educational. There’s a good chance it could be manipulative, intentionally or not, as these two together can instigate some brash moves driven by a sense of great (or foolish?) optimism. Again, use some discernment before making your plays.
With this Jupiter/Mars conjunction sitting at the apex of a T-Square with Venus (in Virgo) and Saturn (in Pisces), you’re big actions might be more easily forgiven … or at least they might help you bridge the gap between your need to be practical and pleasing and your dogmatic approach to spiritual pursuits. (The Saturn/Jupiter Square is one of the big topics of astrological conversation this year … it’s got some heft to it, so pay attention!) Saturn likes structure and order. It’s serious and somber. Venus is charming, flirty, fun and sexy. She’s in Her fall in Virgo, but she still wants to keep things light. Her love nest might just be a little more organized and coordinated here. With this push and pull between life-of-the-party-Venus and hall-monitor-Saturn, you can feel like you’re revving your engine without going anywhere. Remember this as you tally what you’ve called in during this cycle. It might not look like what you were expecting. Saturn can get bent out of shape when things seemingly fly off the rails. He can try to put Baby into a corner, blaming her for being too provocative, too frivolous, too … whatever. But if you are willing to make some bold moves from a place of optimism and trust, Serendipity might just favor you and gift you with something magickal that will appease both parties.
All things considered, you should be fine if you can just remember to heed the message of the Aquarius Full Moon: Look ahead before you make any leaps or proclamations. Make sure you’ve considered how it might affect the whole community and the lasting effects that could result. What feels like a sacrifice now, might just provide delicious dividends in the future. And, of course, be ready for anything! No matter how well thought-out your words and deeds may be, the repercussions still might surprise you!