On Friday, La Luna takes the celestial stage in Her First Quarter phase. This happens at 6:49p (EDT) at 22° Libra. The Sabian Symbol for this lunation is Chanticleer’s Voice Heralds The Rising Sun With Enthusiastic Tones.

(A chanticleer is a rooster, BTW, in case you didn’t already know that.)
What a joyously rowdy image! Immediately I am filled with ideas and images of mornings when something new, fresh, and exciting is on the cusp of happening. I imagine that feeling of waking up the first morning of a beach holiday when I look out the window at the sand, sun and sea and remember that my only imperative for the day is to make merry. I LOVE THAT FEELING!!
This First Quarter Moon has some of that magick, so be sure to scoop some up to sprinkle liberally over your intention seed-babies.Â
Already, the Moon in Libra can feel pretty chill. This is a phase in which Mama is getting a little bit of bling. She gets to lounge in luxury while someone feeds her grapes. It’s an opportunity to restore balance to the emotional landscape, and it generally feels pretty great.Â
Moon is sextiling Mercury in Leo, too, bringing an ability to boldly and generously speak your heart’s desires to manifest them into reality.
Chiron may add a bit of contrast to this moment. (He’s in opposition with our lovely Moon.) But, if used wisely, this can help you to rediscover who you really are and what you really want in order to be your very best, most glamorous and glorious self.
With Venus opposite Pluto, you might also feel a little push to tart yourself up a little. This is one of the oldest forms of faerie glamour. By changing the external we can initiate changes in the internal. Celebrities and influencers have been employing these measures for ages. The key is to make sure that you are being aspirational, but still remaining true to your essence. Trying to be someone you aren’t will backfire every time.Â
As the First Quarter phase is a time for saying yes to opportunities presented, and for taking action to bring your intentions into fully bloomed reality, I’d say we have a pretty auspicious and delicious First Quarter Moon in Libra to work this month. Grab your spoonful before it’s gone.
Happy crowing, you beautiful blissmakers! xoxo 💋