The Moon has reached the midpoint of the waxing half of Her cycle, otherwise known as the First Quarter Moon phase. She did so at 2:06a EDT this morning at 19° Sagittarius.
This is a highly active moment with an abundance of active aspects in the chart, many of them involving personal planets, so expect some personal relevance under this Moon.

Sagittarius brings an optimistic outlook to things. It gives the ability to scan the horizon, taking in the bigger picture, to avoid getting lost in the minutiae which can feel overwhelming and exhausting. This is a time to remember that we are running a marathon, not a sprint. Keep moving forward, but pace yourself!
The Moon is opposing Jupiter, Sagittarius’ ruler, bringing some contrast and possible frustration. You may feel an overabundance of mental chatter (Jupiter in Gemini) challenging your ability to trust your optimistic internal guidance. But if you can continue to remember that big picture, you’ll be able to snag the pearls of wisdom that will benefit you and release all the remaining white noise. Use the Force. It will guide you well.
The Sabian Symbol for this lunation is In Winter, People Cutting Ice From A Frozen Pond For Summer Use. This, again, urges the big picture perspective. We are reminded to look at what resources are available now that might be useful later.
Uranus in a trine with Pluto echoes this notion. Uranus is forward thinking; it looks ahead and makes interesting pivots that might look strange now, but that end up setting us up beautifully for future needs. When working cooperatively with Pluto, it becomes a powerful opportunity for transformation and evolution, both on a personal and a transpersonal scale. Cutting ice from a frozen pond in Winter might seem like arduous and unnecessary work, but when Summer’s temperatures soar and water becomes less abundant, those ice stores will make a powerful difference.
Saturn has a part to play here. He is the third piece in a T-Square with the Sun and Moon. (Technically, it’s a Grand Cross with Jupiter as the fourth.) He is, as usual, asking you where you can mature in order to make more progress toward fulfilling your life’s mission. Returning to that optimistic, bigger picture outlook should help you gain a greater understanding of how today’s challenges are preparing you for tomorrow’s successes.

Pluto Rx is still sitting at that anoretic degree of Capricorn. This is the last time He’ll be in this patriarchal sign for our lifetimes. This is an intense moment. He feels an urgency to fulfill any unfinished Capricornian promises at this time. It’s the apex of a Yod, which is a very uncomfortable, but powerful, placement. It’s also in a trine with the South Node which acts as an invitation (albeit a rather forceful one) to look (again!) at what’s not working so we can release it, restructure it, and better prepare for the new normal that’s in the process of being ushered in. Once again, looking at the bigger picture can save a lot of stress and heartbreak!
It’s a chaotic time, for sure. And whether you’re caught in the tangles of your own personal dramas or are watching the national and global dramas like a televised high speed fugitive chase, it’s likely to feel tense and uncomfortable and rife with despair and futility. But when you feel those moments pulling you under your threshold of sanity, just remember to lift your gaze; elevate your perspective. Remember there is a greater story unfolding. This will all make more sense in a few chapters. And you’ll be glad you went through the effort of cutting out those chunks of ice from that frozen pond in the dark and cold Winter.