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Gemini Full Moon: Fire + Ice

It’s here! The last Full Moon 🌕 of 2024 fills the sky with Her light in the wee early hours of the 15th. (At 4:02a EST, for those who are interested in the details.) This lunation occurs at 23° Gemini ♊ with the following Sabian Symbol: Carefree Children Skating On Ice. ⛸️ I can’t think of a nicer image to end the calendar year with, can you?

Gemini Full Moon

It’s been … well, shall we say … an eventful year, 2024? This Gemini Full Moon at its close gives you full permission to shine the light of curiosity onto everything you experienced, learned, avoided, fought, cried over … and etc. ‘Let’s look at it all!’ Luna says. Bringing it all out in the open lets you tidy it up in order to put it to bed along with this calendar year. And Gemini is nothing if not chatty and social … so feel free to follow suit and talk it all out with your mates. Sometimes all you need is an outside perspective to make sense of a thing.

The Moon in conjunction with Jupiter might make things a little extra … extra emotional, probably … extra intuitive, likely .. extra protective, sure, that too. But with Jupiter being retrograde, these energies will be best applied to your internal experience. 

Gemini Full Moon
photo by Andrea Piacquadio

And with a square to Neptune (very much at home in Pisces, and the apex of a T-Square), the feelings are sure to take center stage. But this doesn’t mean that all those feelings will be uncomfortable. They’re just likely to be BIG. Some people may very well sob themselves to sleep under the light of this bright shiny orb. But others may get a raging fit of giggles. Still others might feel so overcome with loving kindness that they hug everyone they meet, friend and stranger, alike. (And it probably won’t matter what anyone else says about these emotional outbursts. The Moon is trining Black Moon Lilith, which invokes your rebellious ‘IDGAF’ attitude toward naysayers.

Mercury—still retrograde, but stationing direct later in the day—also squares Saturn and sextiles Venus. Clearly communicating your boundaries will make things much more pleasant and smooth during this holiday season. (Clearly, this is solid advice for every day of the year, but the cosmic support under this Moon makes it easier to actually practice!)

Gemini Full Moon
photo by RDNE Stock Project

Arresto Momentum!’ Mars (retrograde now) opposes Venus and Pluto. Your momentum may feel arrested and at odds with a newly seductive sense of power you might be experiencing. Don’t be afraid to talk about that, too. As Mercury (Gemini’s Ruler) trines Mars, it can help to cool those revving jets and let off a little

steam so you don’t explode. Mercury in Sagittarius asks you to look for the Truth—the gift—in the delays. 

The Sun is inconjunct Uranus, leaving a trail of confusion around how to make changes, edits and adjustments in the name of Truth and Justice. 

With so much mutable energy in this chart, you are well-primed to PIVOT. (I mean, that’s what this entire year’s been calling for, amirite?) Fire and Air dominate here leaving you sitting atop a metaphorical powder keg. Rather than try to stop it from exploding, recognize that whether it does or not is irrelevant. Even if you choose to let those emotional waters freeze over and skate carefreely over them with the joy of a child, they are still there. The ice will eventually melt and you’ll still have to feel those feelings in order to grow and flourish. Not to mention the fact the ice could crack at any moment forcing yet another pivot! So, the choice, I suppose, is yours: Light the fire and parse it all out now, or skate placidly over everything now and pay the piper later. 

Gemini is all about duality—twin experiences, twin expressions, twin opportunities. Try out both options and see what feels right for you right now. Just know that the pendulum will swing to the other side eventually. 



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