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NEW MOON IN SCORPIO: Gathering the Gang
It's the New Moon in Scorpio! Check out the astrology, plus a tarot reading for the cycle!

a word about intuition ...
Cancer season seems like a perfect time to write a post about intuition. Read on to learn more!

The Tarot: Dispelling the Fear + Sharing My Story
I was recently listening to a podcast episode where the host was interviewing a woman who works regularly with the tarot. They both spoke...

Full Strawberry Super Moon in Capricorn
Today welcomes the Strawberry Super Full Moon in Capricorn. Indigenous people named this the Strawberry Moon because it occurs during the...

Celebrating Litha: Simple Solstice Rituals + A Tarot Spread
Litha is the sacred holiday celebrated on the Summer Solstice [in the northern hemisphere]. It is one of the 8 sacred demarcated...

Full Corn Moon in Pisces - A Tarotscope
A Full Moon Tarotscope for the Collective

Bliss List: Spring 2020
See what's blissing up my life as we enter this season of reawakening and reemergence. Use these ideas as inspiration for your own expe

Tarot Spread for the Turning of the Wheel of the Year
I'm sharing my simple And The Wheel Turns tarot spread with you to give you a little magickal boost to your new year planning. Enjoy!

TarotTuesday: The Fool’s Journey - The World
Welcome back, blissful reader, to the final installment of The Fool’s Journey blog post series! Are you as excited as I am? I hope so! Here

TarotTuesday: The Fool’s Journey - Judgment
We're nearing the end of The Fool's Journey through the Tarot. Today, He comes face to face with Judgment. Read on to learn what h

"Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic." - Albus Dumbledore
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